Why Are Number Plates Yellow or White?
White number plates on the front and yellow on the back were chosen in order to produce maximum contrast with black. Black is obviously the colour for the letters and digits on a licence plate.
This use of contrasting elements on number plates helps police and ANPR cameras quickly identify your vehicle.
You can transfer your vehicle registration:
You can’t transfer a registration number:
Both vehicles must be:
Both vehicles should be currently taxed. However, if the vehicle that currently has the registration number is not taxed, you can still apply as long as:
You’ll need to complete a V317 ‘application to transfer or retain a vehicle registration number’ - if the number is being transferred to someone else’s vehicle, then both registered keepers must complete the application.
You should also include:
Send your application to your nearest DVLA local office.
You’ll also need to enclose:
If you’re registering a vehicle yourself, you’ll need to provide documentation to confirm your identity with your application. If buying a brand new vehicle, you’ll need to provide identity documentation to the dealer.
You must provide, along with your application, either your photocard driving licence or 1 original document from each of the lists below.
Documents confirming your name:
Documents confirming your address:
Your documents will normally be returned with your vehicle tax disc. If you want your documents returned by special delivery, include a prepaid name and address, self-addressed, special-delivery envelope.
DVLA can’t guarantee to return your documents by a specific date.
If you don’t get your identity documents back, contact DVLA within 3 months of the date you sent your application. DVLA won’t be liable for any claim after this.
The DVLA local office may need to inspect both vehicles and will contact you to arrange an appointment. If they don’t need to inspect them, they’ll approve your application within 2 weeks.
If your application is approved, you’ll receive:
Allow at least 2 weeks after sending your application before contacting DVLA.
You’ll also be sent registration certificates for both vehicles showing the new and replacement registration numbers.
These should arrive within 4 weeks of the confirmation letter. It can take up to 6 weeks if a V62 application was used to support the application.
If you’re the registered keeper of a vehicle, you can apply to remove a registration number from the vehicle and hold it on a retention document (V778) for 1, 2 or 3 years.
You can retain the registration number in your name or someone else’s name. This costs:
You’ll need the retention document when you want to assign the number to a vehicle again.
Beef Registrations
Watling Farmhouse
Watling Street
LE10 3AR
T: 01455 882885
F: 01455 221174
M: 07836 798888